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SMITH SURVEY Mips【eyeglass compatible】
Item #:cd79172 Original Price:59400JPYPrice:57,200JPY
360.76 EUR〇→ in stock ×→ out of stock
【 Details 】
Smith Smith ski helmet
Viser helmet appeared. A chroma pop lens is adopted for the visor part, clear and has no distortion, reproducing a wonderful contrast. Lightweight and durable in -mold contaction equipped with Coloid and MIPS. AIREVAC structure and ventilation system control the airflow. Experience SMITH's proud chroma pop lenses over the visor. Frameless, non -stress, good visibility. Of course, the visor is also compatible with glasses users.
+ 軽量インモールド構造
+ Koroyd マテリアルを使用したエアロコア・コンストラクション
+ 14個のベンチレーションを装備
+ MIPS搭載
+ クロマポップレンズ標準装備
+ OTGメガネ対応
+ dial fit system (DFS2) equipped
+ Snapfit SL earpat
+ Opening type air ventilation adjustment system
+ AIREVAC ventilation system
Certification: ASTM F 2040, CE EN 1077: 2007 C LASS B
Weight ( Size M): 550g
■ Color
・ Matte Black (CP Photochromic Rose Flash)
・ Matte White (CP Photochromic Rose Flash)
■ Size
M [55-59cm]
L [59-]
L [59- 63cm]
XL [ 63-67cm]
* We are registering the product using the information on the manufacturer's proposal. The specifications may be changed without notice.
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